Enhanced IDE |
731K | Judith Evans |
Jul 27/08 |
201.75 |
A greatly-enhanced version of David Cuny's original Interactive
Development Environment for Win32Lib. The IDE lets you easily
design a Windows user interface, and attach pieces of Euphoria
code that will be executed when GUI elements are clicked by your
user. A complete Euphoria program is generated for you. Includes
a companion stand-alone editor. Win32lib 0.70.4a or later is required.
German and
French language support is available. (Anyone who wishes to
submit a translation update or new translation is welcome to do
so. Judith can host it on Sourceforge or you can submit it to
the Recent Contributions Page.) Jul 27: ListView Styles Explorer
and winlibscan rewritten, many improvements.
| |
wxEuphoria |
3000K | Matthew Lewis |
Jun 20/11 |
184.25 |
Wrappers and binaries for wxWidgets,
a cross platform GUI library for Windows and Linux. Jun 20: v0.16.0
Additional wxWidgets functionality wrapped
| |
Win32Lib |
1961K | Win32Lib Team |
Jun 17/08 |
180.45 |
This is the current version that includes documentation and lots
of small example programs. Most Euphoria GUI programs for Windows
depend on this library. First released several years ago by David
Cuny, Win32Lib is now being developed as a group effort. You can
add win32lib.ew and related include files to your euphoria\include
directory, but it's better if you create an EUINC
environment variable, and point it to the include directory of
Win32Lib. To complete your installation you should get Judith
Evan's Enhanced IDE. Jun 17: v0.70.4a: bug fixes (xControl,
setMousePointer()...) and a couple enhancements (isDropped(),
getRect() works on menus,...)
| |
EuWinGUI Library and IDE |
247K | Andrea Cini |
Oct 30/06 |
97.00 |
A GUI development system for Euphoria, similar to Win32Lib and Judith's
IDE, but smaller and simpler. Oct 30: This updated version
of the library features color customizable controls, a full new
set of printing instructions, two new variants of list control
types, improved event handling, a new open utility library, updated
Window Designer, improved demos and revised documentation. It
is compatible with Euphoria 3.0, 2.5 and 2.4 and uses a .dll created
with the (soon to be released) 3.0.1 Translator and Open Watcom.
| |
Method Euphoria |
55K | Mike Nelson |
Oct 9/10 |
57.00 |
An OOP library for Euphoria. Single inheritance with interfaces,
exceptions, event handling. Full cleanup after errors including
Eu runtime errors. Now supports task switching.
| |
(Old) Win32Lib: WIN32 Library with Demos |
260K | David Cuny |
Feb 19/99 |
56.40 |
David's original library for creating WIN32 GUI programs. With a
small amount of simple Euphoria code, you can add a variety of
Windows user-interface elements to your program. Documentation
plus lots of small demo programs are included. Note:
People are now using the new
| |
Win32 Engine |
1824K | Bernie Ryan |
May 31/11 |
55.00 |
A WIN32 library for beginners and advanced users to learn Windows
API programming. Beginner & Advanced interface can be intermixed.
Utility to use WIN32 resource files. Beginner interface is similar
to Win32Lib ver. 50C. Fast loading speed for all versions of Euphoria
including version 2.5 Jan 25: fixed bug in struct() added RCDATA
function, version 10.70 ## May 31: Updated file runs on Euphoria
version 4, version 3 and Virtual PC running WIN98
| |
Arwen |
206K | Mike |
Nov 12/07 |
53.10 |
A fast, compact GUI library for Windows-based Euphoria applications.
Nov 12: Removed eu_file.e from bundle to remain compatible
with Orac. No new functionality.
| |
Diamond Object Oriented Library |
119K | Mike Nelson |
Mar 14/04 |
44.00 |
A library for Object Oriented Programming in Euphoria. Its design
is based on Java with elements of Visual Basic and C#. Many advanced
features. Mar 14: v4.0.0: Inner classes replace the Extended_Access
interface. C# style delegates.
| |
Object Oriented Euphoria |
220K | Matthew Lewis |
Oct 15/06 |
34.00 |
Adds capabilities to the RDS PD v2.5 interpreter. Windows and Linux
translated executables included. Oct 15: v1.9.0: find_from,
match_from, debugger enhancements, bug fixes
| |
EuGrid Grid Control v1.3.4 |
120K | Phil Russell |
Mar 17/08 |
32.00 |
Support for grid controls with Win32Lib: multiple controls; no size
limits; in-place editing of data; columns and rows can be created,
changed and deleted at runtime; select font, color and text alignment;
cells can be individually formatted. Support for text, list, checkbox,
button and picture cells. Documentation and sample programs included.
Mar 17: Updated for compatibility with Win32lib 0.7.*
| |
Extra Controls |
62K | Don Phillips |
Sep 28/04 |
31.50 |
A library of controls that he has developed. Positioning of child
windows relative to a parent window (geometry); limiting window
size; syntax highlighting; window splitters; picture menus. Sep 28: Fixed
bug with '&' character in quotes, added synUseColor(): Greg Haberek
| |
Kanarie Template System Library 1.8b |
30K | Tommy Carlier |
Oct 24/06 |
31.10 |
The Kanarie Template System (KTS) is a mechanism to generate text-based
content (HTML, XML, CSV, ...) from data, via templates. Oct 24: Fixed
a bug that caused a memory leak (thanks to Andy Serpa).
| |
TrueType Font Converter |
46K | Colin Taylor |
Aug 23/03 |
29.00 |
A program that reads TrueType fonts and converts them to bitmap
fonts for use under DOS. The bitmap fonts can be saved in Jiri
Babor's font format. It also has user-definable Unicode-to-DOS
character mapping (needed to produce foreign-language fonts).
Aug 21: a bit more functionality, a couple of new demos and
a few bug fixes. Aug 23: typos fixed
| |
General Functions |
72K | Ricardo Forno |
Dec 31/06 |
27.50 |
A large collection of useful general purpose functions. Dec 31: On
request, he packed genfunc.e with genfunc.htm, a documentation
HTML file.
| |
COM Library |
746K | Matthew Lewis |
Oct 10/07 |
26.50 |
EuCOM allows Euphoria programs to use COM objects, and can turn
a Win32lib-based application into an ActiveX container. Demos
are included which show how to use ActiveX controls. Oct 10: v2.08:
Bug fix, win32lib v0.70 compatibility fixes
| |
String Token Routines |
24K | Kat |
Dec 27/02 |
26.30 |
A large set of routines for treating strings of text as streams
of "tokens". Dec 27: version 2.1, more commands and options,
faster parsing
| |
Edita |
3200K | Pete Lomax |
Aug 28/13 |
26.00 |
A full-featured Euphoria-oriented editor written using Arwen. Aug 28: url
has changed
| |
Share Memory Between Processes |
5K | Mario Steele / Jason Mirwald |
Mar 24/04 |
24.50 |
This library allows memory to be shared between 2 processes on the
Windows platform. It can eliminate the need for complicated DDE
calls. Mar 24: Updated to work with Euphoria 2.4 which has
stricter checking on C parameter types.
| |
WinClass C++ Style Library |
495K | Al Getz |
Apr 30/06 |
24.30 |
An object-oriented Windows library that takes advantage of Euphoria's
namespace feature. Includes many Windows objects (Window, Listview,
Treeview, etc.) and COM interfaces including IShellLink, IDataObject,
etc. Many demos included. Many nice custom controls and services.
Apr 30: Just to update the files with the newest versions (1006r2)
| |
Dos Rescue improvement |
77K | Insolor |
Jul 16/13 |
24.00 |
An improvement on Robert Craig's dos_rescue library. Jul 16: Abandoned
Eu3 compatibility. Added fullscreen mode support. Removed text
modes and textmode specific functions (put/get_screen_char(),
save/display_text_image()). Some demos added.
| |
Use 32-bit Integers In Translated DLLs |
3K | Matthew Lewis |
Sep 8/06 |
21.30 |
Enable Euphoria-to-C DLLs and SOs to have full 32-bit integers passed
to exported Euphoria routines. Sep 8: Improvements by Juergen
Luethje to automatically detect the correct file number for make_atom.c
| |
Binary Print/Get |
17K | Gabriel Boehme |
Mar 30/99 |
20.75 |
an efficient system for saving/restoring Euphoria data objects to/from
a file. His method saves or restores any Euphoria atom or sequence.
Benchmarks versus Euphoria's print()/get(), and Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen's
EDOM are included. See also Euphoria's new EDS database system.
| |
Allegro Graphics for WIN32 |
1000K | Ray Smith |
Oct 15/02 |
20.50 |
Euphoria routines that tap into the powerful Allegro graphics
and games library. This is a beta release, but already he's got
several excellent demos running. Oct 15: fixed the mp3 example;
added a 24-bit bitmap example; added a demo to show 8/15/16/24
and 32 bit graphics modes
| |
EE Editor |
160K | David Cuny |
Jan 29/00 |
19.58 |
An excellent full-featured Euphoria editor that many people are
now using instead of the standard ed editor. He built his
editor using an impressive text-mode GUI library that you can
use in your own programs. Irv Mullins has a port of EE to Linux
(see Archive). Jan 29: bug fix: INI file is now stored in euphoria\bin
| |
Infinite-Game Toolkit |
21K | Rod Jackson |
May 28/01 |
19.00 |
A library that aids users in
creating procedurally-generated content for an "infinite"
number of elements in their game. Users can get consistently
generated values, objects, and even proper-sounding names.
| |
Euphoria Database Browser |
595K | Matthew Lewis |
Aug 25/04 |
18.00 |
A utility that allows viewing, editing and creating EDS and EuSQL
databases. It has user defined forms, including customizable,
scriptable events. Aug 25: v1.26.5: Includes EuGrid v1.3, plus
documentation on patching Win32Lib v0.60.4, properly updated edbform_ui.ew
| |
Mini-Assembler |
30K | Pete Eberlein |
Dec 30/01 |
17.20 |
A tool for converting assembly language into sequences of machine
code. Supports MMX instructions.
| |
XPMmer XPM Icon Generator |
29K | Andy Drummond |
Jul 27/07 |
17.00 |
This is a program to make the generation and editing of XPM icons
simple for Euphoria users. It will generate XPM files, Euphoria-XPM
files or Euphoria-compatible icons. It can take in XPMs, Euphoria
XPMs, icons and bitmaps as starting data, allowing the re-use
of old icons and conversion of them into formats suitable for
use with Euphoria. Jul 27: This is the latest version (2.5)
of XPMmer (see earlier). This one corrects the fault whereby you
couldn't use it to open icon files directly. You can now. Also
the color palette has been improved. This is a self-contained
exw so if you want to change anything feel free!
| |
300K | Matthew Lewis |
Oct 6/06 |
17.00 |
An SQL (Structured Query Language) front-end for the Euphoria Database
System (EDS). It parses and executes a subset of SQL statements.
Oct 6: v0.79.1: bug fixes, small enhancements
| |
Date and Time Functions |
13K | Carl White |
Jun 26/01 |
17.00 |
A set of routines for calculating dates and times. It includes extensive
documentation and historical notes.
| |
EuGTK - GTK Library for Euphoria 4.0 |
19500K | Irv Mullins |
updated Apr 21/17 |
15.50 |
Very complete and easy-to-use wrapper for Euphoria 4.1 and GTK3.
More than 200 demo programs plus extensive html docs. Includes
web browser and program editor plugins, compatible with Glade
for drag and drop interface design. Apr 21: Works great on
Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian or Ubuntu.
| |
Euphoria Help File |
2459K | Dan Everingham |
May 9/14 |
15.00 |
A Windows Help File for Euphoria 2.5 that's designed to be used
by editors with context-sensitive F1 help keys. You can also use
it just by double-clicking it. All keywords and library routines
are covered. Mike's editor is also included. May 9: euphoria
| |
ODBC Database Connectivity |
36K | Matthew Lewis |
Mar 10/05 |
14.00 |
A library that wraps the ODBC API for Euphoria, allowing Euphoria
programs access to almost any type of database. Mar 10: v1.34:
Connections can now be properly closed.
| |
Assembly Mini-Debugger |
34K | Alexander Toresson |
Oct 10/04 |
14.00 |
A tracer for asm code written for Pete's assembler. Runs in both
DOS and Windows Oct 10: Windows version fixed, frontend gui
| |
Windows Editor (32-bit) |
328K | Mike Carroll |
Apr 24/99 |
13.75 |
a 32-bit Windows editor for Euphoria programs, written in another
language. It contains a Windows help file for Euphoria version
2.1, context-sensitive help and color syntax highlighting. Apr 24: updated
for Euphoria 2.1, and now has color preview and printing
| |
Create Shortcut |
14K | Martin Stachon |
Mar 17/03 |
13.00 |
An include file that wraps the IShellLink interface
(with EuCOM), so you can easily create a shortcut in Euphoria.
Mar 17: a new, more flexible interface, and you can get and set
more shortcut attributes.
| |
TCP Socket Library |
30K | Jason Mirwald |
Dec 16/02 |
13.00 |
A full library for asynchronous TCP socket communication.
It has been used to write an IRC client, IRC bot, an IM
(instant messaging) client and server, and a web page server.
He makes good use of some support libraries by Chris Bensler.
Dec 16: a bug in tcp_gethostname() was fixed
| |
Associative Lists (Tables) |
17K | Jiri Babor |
Sep 9/02 |
13.00 |
Three different implementations of tables (associative lists of
key/value pairs). Sep 9: Jiri has a new approach that is more
intuitive and slightly faster.
| |
OpenGL Graphics for Euphoria |
804K | Mic |
Mar 23/08 |
12.75 |
A library for accessing the powerful 3-D animated graphics of OpenGL.
Many impressive demos are included. Mar 23: Added some more
GL extensions, plus five more example programs.
| |
Auto-scaled controls - v2.1 |
9K | MrTrick |
Feb 14/05 |
12.70 |
An extremely simple and capable library for making controls in an
application move automatically when the window is resized. This
is not a complex layout manager. Design your layout by hand or
in Judith's graphical IDE, and use Autosize to make all your controls
move smoothly to occupy all the window. Feb 14: Fixed issue
where XControls windows did not resize correctly - now fully heirarchical
for tab controls and groups etc. (see demo 5) Parent control can
also be explicitly defined.
| |
Interprocess Communication |
4K | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) |
Oct 11/02 |
12.60 |
This library allows Windows Euphoria programs to call procedures
and functions in other Euphoria programs running on the same machine.
You can pass arguments and get results returned.
| |
Tsunami Record Manager wrappers |
293K | H.W. Overman |
Jun 18/05 |
12.50 |
Database: Tsunami Record Manager wrappers for use with Euphoria.
A Win32Lib demo is included, documentation to follow. Visit http://www.trm-ug.com for other
Tsunami info. This is a very powerful, very easy to use record
management tool for commercial applications. Jan 21: Smaller
download and partial update to documentation
| |
CxImage |
564K | Mic |
May 20/10 |
12.00 |
A wrapper for the CxImage library. It can load and save images using
the BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TGA and PCX formats. It can also
resize images using either nearest-neighbor or bilinear filtering.
An example is included. May 20: Added Linux support (32-bit).
| |
Diamond-Lite Object Oriented Library |
19K | Mike Nelson |
Mar 6/03 |
12.00 |
A simpler version of his Diamond Object Oriented Programming
Library. This lite version is intended for beginner and intermediate
OOP programmers. Mar 6: it now prints an error file for debugging.
| |
Win32Dib 0.5.3 |
73K | Tommy Carlier |
Nov 17/05 |
11.50 |
Fast bitmap manipulation (24-bit graphics) for Win32Lib applications.
Requires Win32Lib 0.60. Nov 17: Fixed a bug in drawDibToDib.
| |
Beginner's Guide to Euphoria |
463K | David Gay |
Aug 1/97 |
11.50 |
An excellent tutorial program. No previous
programming experience is required. David's program teaches
you Euphoria programming in a series of easy lessons, complete with
example programs. Unzip with WinZip, or use:
pkunzip -d abgte2.zip
| |
331K | Tone Skoda |
Mar 4/08 |
11.30 |
A nice-looking graphical user interface for viewing EDS database
files (file type .edb). June 7: field name support, and some other
minor improvements Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
| |
M Editor |
437K | Pete Lomax |
Sep 2/04 |
11.25 |
A full-featured editor written in Euphoria: Multiple documents,
auto completion, automatic backups, run program, automated error
processing, file and directory compare, find in files, macro,
context sensitive help, routine and section list, reformat (re-indent)
program to find missing end statements, detailed manual, and more.
Originally inspired by Mike's meditor.zip Sep 2: fixed mousewheel
crash, win32lib 0.60.0
| |
Utility Library C-functions |
27K | Bernie Ryan |
Jan 25/06 |
10.50 |
A library of C-style string & character handling functions. C-style
structures (that can be nested). Structures can also contain unions.
Structure manipulation and support functions. This library can
be used in a wide variety of applications. Jan 25: fixed bug
in struct() version 7.0
| |
Help File |
526K | H.W. Overman |
Jun 18/05 |
10.50 |
A compiled HTML Help file for the complete Euphoria 2.3 documentation
based on Adam Weeden's old version in the Archive. This one includes
Win32Lib and lets you view the RDS web site. Dec 24: Updated
for version 2.3. Includes Win32Lib and many other files
| |
Updated Assembler |
42K | Mic |
Mar 31/08 |
10.30 |
An update of Pete Eberlein's mini-assembler. It contains additional
instructions not available in the original version, as well as
some bug fixes and improvements. Mar 31: Added nearly all SSE4
instructions (untested). Work has also begun on adding x64 support,
but this is incomplete and buggy.
| |
wxEDB |
10000K | Matthew Lewis |
May 10/13 |
10.00 |
Euphoria Database Browser ported to wxEuphoria. Works on both Windows
and Linux, 32 and 64 bits May 10: v1.29.1 Includes all binaries
and source required
| |
ProViewer |
524K | Tone Škoda |
Mar 4/08 |
10.00 |
A utility to view Euphoria profile (.pro) files. Included is "ProfileInExExe"
utility with which will help you profile_time non-win32 includes
of your win32 programs. Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
| |
BASS Audio Library |
404K | Elliott Sales de Andrade |
Nov 23/05 |
10.00 |
Support for the full BASS audio library. Plays MPEG Layers 1, 2,
3 (commonly known as MP3s), OGG, VORBIS, and Internet Streams
as well as MOD file formats. Lots of additional features. See
also the BASSMOD library. Nov 23: Add-on plugin system, MOD
position & syncing in bytes, Support for AIFF files, Floating-point
sampling, More options, and More.
| |
Display Server |
362K | Al Getz |
May 25/04 |
10.00 |
A display window server you can use to display text sent from one
or more client programs, that can also be used to display debug
messages. May 25: Now displays 8 picture file types: jpg, gif,
bmp, ico, png, tif, wmf, and emf. The server itself is only 100k.
| |
Convert To Unicode |
171K | Igor Kachan |
Aug 4/03 |
10.00 |
Windows code page mapping for the TrueType Font program by Colin
Taylor (below). Demo included (uses 1024x768 DOS graphics). Aug 4: Added
new demo -- ttshow.ex to see all glyphs of given TTF font. Works
on Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts with more than 22000 characters.
| |
euTCP4u TCP Library |
50K | Ray Smith |
Apr 16/02 |
9.75 |
A Euphoria library that allows downloading of Web pages and creating
sockets programs using TCP. It includes sample programs and documentation.
Apr 16: a bug fix, some docs updated
| |
Vincent's Enhanced Euphoria v2.5 |
511K | Vincent Howell |
May 3/05 |
9.70 |
VEEU is based off the public domain Euphoria v2.5 official source
code, and offers lots of new features & enhancements. This package
comes with 4 translated/compiled VEEU interpreters for DOS, Windows,
and Linux, TextPad syntax file for VEEU & EDS, transparent Eu
icons, numerous example programs, full source code, and documentation.
May 3: Bug fix: Global Conflict Resolution now works properly.
Slightly improved documentation.
| |
Enhanced Interface to EDS |
116K | A.C.Harper |
Feb 26/03 |
9.25 |
Additional functionality for EDS, plus manipulation
of databases from the keyboard. Includes a simple text
adventure browser. Includes a GUI interface that uses
Andrea Cini's EuWinGui library. Feb 26: bug fixes, and
has been updated to work with 2.4 alpha, including a new
command to rename tables.
| |
Forth compiler |
583K | mic |
Dec 4/05 |
9.00 |
A multi-platform Forth compiler written in Euphoria. It generates
code for several processors, including 80x86 and ARM. Dec 4: Added
support for Blackfin processors. Slightly improved loop optimisation
for M68000.
| |
Space Blaster (was Cheesy Space Game) |
5147K | Steve Allen |
Mar 13/05 |
9.00 |
A work-in-progress space combat game using Ray Smith's EuAllegro
wrapper. Much improved version. (no source) Mar 13: More enemies,
tons of features including saving, multiple minigames, new menus,
graphics improvements, a lot faster, fully working purchase/upgrade
| |
Morfit reloaded |
29298K | Mark Brown and Todd Riggins |
Nov 30/07 |
8.50 |
The original Morfit Euphoria wrappers and support files / dll, by
Mark Brown et al (see readme). See the Morfit (3dstate)
Web site for a new graphics engine, which could also be wrapped
in the future. A very capable 3-D graphics/game engine, and fun
to play with. Its big too. Thanks to Chris Burch for recovering
this file.
| |
Font Package |
379K | Jiri Babor |
Dec 5/98 |
8.50 |
a sophisticated,
comprehensive, and faster new version of his font.e library
for displaying fancy fonts in pixel-graphics modes. The .ZIP file
also includes over 150 different fonts, all compatible with his
routines. See also "The Jiri Babor Collection" (below).
| |
Euphoria 2.5 Documentation as Compiled HTML |
425K | Brian Broker |
Mar 10/05 |
8.00 |
Euphoria.chm is a compiled HTML help file (CHM) for the Euphoria
2.5 documentation. Includes updated HTML titles for more meaningful
search results and syntax-highlighted listings of most standard
Euphoria libraries. Mar 10: Updated with docs from 2.5 final
release. Includes simple demo using HTML Help API for Windows.
| |
Tommy's Unicode Library 1.2 |
7K | Tommy Carlier |
Jun 13/04 |
7.50 |
Lets you read and write Unicode-files. Jun 13: Fixed some bugs,
thanks to Arthur Crump.
| |
The Jiri Babor Collection |
107K | Jiri Babor |
Sep 18/97 |
7.50 |
an excellent collection of code for fonts, mouse support,
user interfaces etc., and well documented. See also his new font code
| |
Mod Player |
162K | Pete Eberlein |
Apr 26/98 |
7.40 |
Plays .MOD sound files. It supports (((STEREO))) and .WAV files
too. A sample .MOD file is included. It should work with most
Sound Blaster or equivalent cards.
| |
Matheval |
86K | Matthew Lewis |
Apr 20/06 |
7.20 |
A math package with the ability to do simple symbolic algebra and
calculus. Apr 20: v1.65: Added date/time functions, additional
text functions
| |
Neil Graphics Library |
49K | Pete Eberlein |
Sep 22/99 |
7.15 |
a very sophisticated graphics library for
DOS32. You will also need asm.e from Pete's asm.zip file.
This link takes you to his site.
| |
The EE:CS Editor |
354K | Carl White |
Jul 16/00 |
7.08 |
An enhanced version of David Cuny's
EE editor. Jul 16: bug fixes,
improved error-handling, executable .ini files
| |
Squid Blaster |
5956K | Liquid-Nitrogen |
Feb 19/08 |
7.00 |
Squid Blaster is a fast-paced, very professionally done, arcade
shooter game (Euphoria source not included). You must utilize
skill and logic to be victorious. It uses the ExoticaX
DirectX library for graphics and sound. Feb 19: uploaded install
file to RDS site.
| |
DOS Long Filenames |
16K | Juergen Luethje |
Aug 8/05 |
7.00 |
This code extends Euphoria's support of DOS long filenames to include
current_dir(), chdir(), dir(), and file creation with open().
He also has routines to convert between long and short filenames.
You are encouraged to test this code on various versions of DOS.
If it looks solid, it will likely be built into future versions
of Euphoria for DOS. Aug 8: added explicit license
| |
Mike's Story (RPG game) |
277K | Mike Wever |
Oct 22/03 |
7.00 |
A simple tile-based RPG that is designed for entertainment as well
as a model to teach some basic game design concepts.
| |
Nexus Code Editor |
167K | Don Phillips |
Nov 9/02 |
7.00 |
A program editor with syntax highlighting, undo/redo,
bookmarks, configurable toolbar and edit window, automatic alignment,
and more. Needs Win32Lib 0.57.9. Nov 9: looks for pcre.dll
in current directory - nothing to set up; autocompletion and many
more improvements
| |
Disk Image |
16K | Free Play |
Nov 24/01 |
7.00 |
A utility that lets you create and copy
a complete image of a floppy or hard disk.
| |
Euphoria Games Pack |
428K | Ray Smith |
Dec 8/00 |
7.00 |
A couple of very attractive-looking and sounding full-screen action
games built using his Allegro wrapper. (unzip with long filenames)
| |
eulibcURL |
82K | Ray Smith |
Dec 14/05 |
6.90 |
A Euphoria wrapper for libcURL - an Internet protocol transfer library.
Your Euphoria program can use this to download Web pages and other
files from the Internet. It's better in many ways than his earlier
euTCP4u. It has password support, progress callbacks, header callbacks
and error message support. Dec 14: RDS added some necessary
declarations for the CDECL calling convention. eulibcURL will
now work correctly with the Translator and Borland C. (Previously,
you needed exw, or the Translator and Watcom C)
| |
Sprite Editor |
48K | Colin Taylor |
Sep 21/97 |
6.75 |
an excellent sprite editor and animator. He has included demos
of mouse pointers and fonts, as well as a generic sprite animation demo
that works in any graphics mode at reasonable speed.
| |
BASSMOD Library |
61K | Elliott Sales de Andrade |
Jul 6/04 |
6.50 |
A subset of the BASS audio system. You can use it to play several
module formats. It is probably useful for demo. BASSMOD works
on Linux too. See also the full BASS library. Jul 6: Decode-only
opening of files. Non-interpolated mixing. Adjustable channel/instrument
volumes. Unicode support.
| |
Excel Tools |
4K | Roger Marin |
Oct 30/02 |
6.40 |
Transfer Euphoria data into Excel spreadsheet format, and examine
Excel files at the byte level.
| |
Syntax Coloring |
12K | Irv Mullins |
Apr 24/04 |
6.25 |
A .xml file which adds coloration for both Euphoria and EuGTK 2
syntax to the Linux Kate and Kwrite editors. Installation instructions
are at the top of the file. Apr 24: H.W. Overman added code-folding
to the editor. This is a great addition.
| |
euLibnet |
40K | Ray Smith |
Dec 14/00 |
6.25 |
A Euphoria library that lets you send and receive messages via TCP.
It's based on Libnet. It allows multi-client servers and
it comes with a demo chat server that sends messages to all clients
connected to it. Dec 14: several new network functions plus
| |
GalleryMaker |
75K | Tone Skoda |
Mar 4/08 |
6.00 |
A program that makes HTML image galleries including thumbnails of
.jpg images. Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
| |
Serial Communications |
82K | Kondor Attila |
May 2/05 |
6.00 |
Some code that will help you get started using COM ports in Windows.
May 2: Includes latest Pcomm Lite .dll, new demos and more
| |
svga.e |
23K | Hayden McKay |
Mar 31/05 |
6.00 |
A SuperVGA driver for Euphoria. Contains routines for SVGA mode
access. It is NOT a graphics engine, but a source for people developing
their own graphics engines. Also comes with a handy little memory
include. Mar 1: Fixed some routines that were still pointing to
euphoria's pixel() and get_pixel() Mar 31: Accidentally uploaded
the update under old name (Hayden O'Connor)
| |
GdiPlus Graphics Library |
132K | Al Getz |
Mar 30/05 |
6.00 |
A major graphics library with over 600 functions that can be called
with Euphoria for displaying/saving pictures and drawing other
graphics objects and text. Supported file formats include jpg,
gif, bmp, png, tif, ico, emf, wmf. Functions are grouped according
to purpose and the C declarations are included right with each
function wrap for immediate reference.
| |
Timesheet Program |
30K | Jonas Temple |
Nov 2/04 |
6.00 |
A program that helps you keep track of the hours you have worked
on various projects for various clients. It's a good example of
using Win32Lib and an EDS database. Nov 2: Custom version of
Thomas Parslow's find window routines is required, now in the
.zip file.
| |
Smel4Eu: SMEL 1.1 Core Package for Euphoria 1.25 |
37K | Tommy Carlier |
Sep 7/04 |
6.00 |
Reads and writes SMEL-documents and -fragments. SMEL is a language
for structuring data and documents, kind of like XML. Sep 7: Fixed
some bugs.
| |
Cheesy Space Game |
225K | Steve Allen |
Oct 5/03 |
6.00 |
A work-in-progress space combat game using Ray Smith's EuAllegro
wrapper. Code is well commented. All the graphics are original
(minus one).
| |
System Tray Icons |
6K | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) |
Apr 10/03 |
6.00 |
An include file for managing system tray (taskbar notification area)
icons. Apr 10: now uses setHandler instead of onEvent. This should
make it more compatible with future versions of Win32Lib. Suggested
by Greg Haberek.
| |
Popups for EuWinGui |
4K | Colin Taylor |
Nov 21/02 |
6.00 |
A package that adds pop-up menu capabilities to Andrea Cini's EuWinGUI.
It uses new features in the latest version of EuWinGUI which permit
custom trapping of windows messages.
| |
Syntax Highlighting Editor |
25K | Don Phillips |
Jun 2/02 |
6.00 |
An edit control and an editor that support
color syntax highlighting of Euphoria programs. Text of
almost any size can be edited.
| |
Modified Print Routine |
2K | Gabriel Boehme |
Mar 29/00 |
6.00 |
A modifed print() routine that prints sequences that appear to be
strings, as human-readable strings with double-quotes. This can
save a lot of space if you are saving/restoring data using print()/get().
Mar 29: minor update to declare Public Domain status.
| |
Orac |
568K | Mike |
May 22/12 |
5.60 |
A fast optimizing incremental compiler. May 22: Enhanced analysis
tool to show all included files of an owner file and the number
of references. Useful for culling redundant include statements.
| |
Windows Registry Read/Write |
9K | Davi Figueiredo |
Nov 30/02 |
5.60 |
Routines that let you read and write entries in the Windows Registry.
| |
Great Computer Language Shootout! |
19K | Jason Gade |
Feb 5/07 |
5.50 |
The Euphoria implementation of the benchmarks at http://shootout.alioth.debian.org
Feb 5: Added partial-sums and reverse-complement benchmarks.
Added bench.ex test harness. Removed subdirectories.
| |
Resource Utility for WIN32LIB |
765K | Bernie Ryan |
Jan 23/06 |
5.50 |
A utility for converting a Windows .RES resource file into a Euphoria
include file for use with Win32Lib. Ver. 8.25 Jan 23: RCDATA
added global function that returns uncompressed sequence as requested
by user.
| |
EuDoc - Euphoria Documentation Generator |
11K | D. Newhall |
Oct 8/05 |
5.50 |
A program that takes comments from a file and generates HTML documentation
that looks like the RDS HTML documentation. Designed mostly for
documenting libraries with emphasis on usability for the Euphoria
Standard Library project. Version 0.4 Oct 8: Added "Notes"
and "Disclaimer" tags, added command line arguments, and fixed
a few minor bugs.
| |
Pete's Pretty Print |
5K | Pete Lomax |
Sep 11/04 |
5.50 |
Displays Euphoria sequences and tables in an easy-to-read format.
Options to set file, nesting, screen width and depth, string,
integer, and float formats, ascii range, and date handling. Full
source. Sep 11: 32 bit integer printing.
| |