C.K. Lester has assembled lots of information on
Euphoria programming. His
excellent site includes an on-line book,
an FAQ, news, a code library, CGI information
and a lot more.
Jonas Temple has developed a database tool called
FROG that uses Euphoria 3.0's new multitasking feature.
Vincent Howell has set up a
Euphoria forum on Yahoo Groups.
It has some features that aren't available with EUforum.
Derek Parnell has some older releases of
Win32Lib on
his site. See the Win32Lib project on SourceForge
for a more up-to-date version.
Tom Janes of Northeastern Engineering has a
site featuring his NEL_32 system for
Euphoria users who wish to use the WIN32 API.
Jiri Babor has a
site featuring the many Euphoria programs he has written
over the past few years.
Antonio Alessi of Italy has used Euphoria and Win32Lib to
develop a beautiful-looking user interface for his
Hyphenator Pro program.
Greg Haberek
has a simple
web page for his programming projects.
Monty King provides a dedicated Euphoria chat room on his
page. You need a Java-enabled browser to chat.
John Bown has an informative
Euphoria site.
Lewis Townsend created a new
Patrick Quist has a
Euphoria page for his QOS project.
Stab Master (Mic) has a
Euphoria page containing his favorite Euphoria files and links,
plus his own programs.
Ferlin Scarborough has a
Euphoria page with an adventure engine and some other
Euphoria projects.
Buddy Hyllberg has a
page with some programs he has written.
Igor Kachan has a
Russian site with the RapidEuphoria Web site and all the
Euphoria documentation translated to Russian for easy download.
Judith Evans has a
project on SourceForge with the latest version of her IDE for Win32Lib.
Chris Burch has a site dedicated to
The SQLite database system for Euphoria.
David Cuny of California has set up a
Page with the latest releases of many of his GUI libraries and
other programs. Several screen shots are included.
Doug Miller has a new
Euphoria community site.
Michael Packard, of Lord Generic Productions has
a site
dedicated to the theory of making action games in Euphoria.
Check out his Crash Course in Game Design and Production.
Michael Cripps has set up an interesting
Euphoria page that features downloadable programs, text files,
and graphics, as well as an online Euphoria chat facility
where you can talk to other Euphoria programmers in real-time.
Eduardo Okada has a
Dheos Dragon Soft Programming Page with some programs
that he has developed and a RPG programming tutorial.
Pete King of Spectre Software has a
Euphoria page with several downloads for games and graphics.
Tapani Talvitie has created a new Web site called
Tapsa's Programming Corner.
Wes Hermanson has developed an impressive AI system called
AI Trainer, as well as other
free programs
you can download. Click "Free Stuff".
Vildan Hasanbegovic and Adam Danielsson have
developed a minimalist scripting language called
that borrows some concepts and ideas from Euphoria. It was
created as part of a university thesis.