Anyone can
read or post messages on the OpenEuphoria Message Board.
The first time you post, you'll be asked to register an e-mail
address and name. This information is used in the operation
of the message board and will not be given to any third party.
By participating you will find out what other people are
doing with Euphoria, and you will be able to solve Euphoria
problems for yourself and for others. RDS participates as well,
and everyone benefits from lively and informative discussions.
These discussions are archived so you can retrieve them at any
We also have an RSS feed.
It holds the
full text of all messages
for the past day or two. If you check the feed at least once
per day, you are unlikely to miss anything.
It works nicely with Thunderbird, Opera, and other RSS readers
that display RSS items as e-mail messages.