Kanarie Template System Library 1.8b |
30K | Tommy Carlier |
Oct 24/06 |
31.10 |
The Kanarie Template System (KTS) is a mechanism to generate text-based
content (HTML, XML, CSV, ...) from data, via templates. Oct 24: Fixed
a bug that caused a memory leak (thanks to Andy Serpa).
| |
TCP Socket Library |
30K | Jason Mirwald |
Dec 16/02 |
13.00 |
A full library for asynchronous TCP socket communication.
It has been used to write an IRC client, IRC bot, an IM
(instant messaging) client and server, and a web page server.
He makes good use of some support libraries by Chris Bensler.
Dec 16: a bug in tcp_gethostname() was fixed
| |
euTCP4u TCP Library |
50K | Ray Smith |
Apr 16/02 |
9.75 |
A Euphoria library that allows downloading of Web pages and creating
sockets programs using TCP. It includes sample programs and documentation.
Apr 16: a bug fix, some docs updated
| |
eulibcURL |
82K | Ray Smith |
Dec 14/05 |
6.90 |
A Euphoria wrapper for libcURL - an Internet protocol transfer library.
Your Euphoria program can use this to download Web pages and other
files from the Internet. It's better in many ways than his earlier
euTCP4u. It has password support, progress callbacks, header callbacks
and error message support. Dec 14: RDS added some necessary
declarations for the CDECL calling convention. eulibcURL will
now work correctly with the Translator and Borland C. (Previously,
you needed exw, or the Translator and Watcom C)
| |
euLibnet |
40K | Ray Smith |
Dec 14/00 |
6.25 |
A Euphoria library that lets you send and receive messages via TCP.
It's based on Libnet. It allows multi-client servers and
it comes with a demo chat server that sends messages to all clients
connected to it. Dec 14: several new network functions plus
| |
GalleryMaker |
75K | Tone Skoda |
Mar 4/08 |
6.00 |
A program that makes HTML image galleries including thumbnails of
.jpg images. Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
| |
Wrapper for HawkNL |
135K | Elliott Sales de Andrade |
Sep 3/02 |
5.50 |
A Euphoria wrapper library for HawkNL
- a cross-platform, open-source, game-oriented network library.
It supports Internet Protocol, IP Multicast, IP Broadcast, IPX
Protocol, and Loopback. Sep 3: two bugs were fixed
| |
Web Server |
44K | Daniel Kluss |
May 28/03 |
5.00 |
A Web server with support for CGI, file security, retry on downloads,
error log, and more.
| |
wrapper for Blat SMTP e-mail sending |
6K | Michael Raley |
Mar 14/05 |
4.50 |
This is a wrapper for the DLL version of the Blat command line SMTP
mail utility. An alternative to the MAPI sendmail/sendfile library,
Blat does not require another email client like Outlook express
to be installed. Just a TCP connection to a valid SMTP server.
Goto www.blat.net to get the latest
version. Mar 14: added internal trim routines to prevent extra
whitespace issues
| |
E-Mail Client |
416K | Jordah Ferguson |
Apr 12/02 |
4.50 |
An impressive full-featured e-mail client. He hopes to
get feedback so he can improve it. It uses
Win32Lib, EDS, and RC4 data encryption. Apr 12: major new release -
many new features, supports MIME standards, can
send/receive any kind of attachment, and much more
| |
Wrapper for WinInet.dll |
334K | Fabio Ramirez |
Apr 16/01 |
4.00 |
A library that provides easy use of FTP and HTTP functions
supported by Microsoft's wininet.dll.
| |
URL moniker wrapper |
3K | Mic |
Sep 8/03 |
3.50 |
This library wraps the URLDownloadToFile function in urlmon.dll,
which is used to download content from the internet. An example
and some brief documentation is included.
| |
CGI Support Routines |
7K | Aku |
Apr 26/02 |
3.50 |
Some routines he made to help with CGI programming. Apr 26: some
procedures renamed; new function listNames(); more error trapping;
added English wrapper; fixed bug
| |
Network Game Engine |
60K | Andrew |
Dec 19/01 |
3.05 |
A program that makes it easy to play text-based games,
either single-player or multi-player over a network (such as the Internet
or a LAN). Games can also be played through a web browser by using
the included CGI program on your Web server.
No documentation yet, but try running playSUD.ex and typing 'test'
as game name to play the included example game.
| |
XChat Plugin Interface |
183K | Elliott Sales de Andrade |
Sep 20/03 |
3.00 |
Using the translator and Borland C, plugins can be created in Euphoria
for XChat, a popular IRC client. There is an interface for XChat
plugin functions, as well as a setup program for producing the
correct C interface to XChat. Includes two sample plugins, with
source. Requires version 2.4 of Translator and Borland C to compile.
| |
Popup Eliminator |
186K | Robert Swiston |
Mar 28/03 |
3.00 |
A program that eliminates all extra popup windows in IE and Netscape.
Open your browser, then activate (right click on the icon in the
systray) to begin searching for unwanted windows. PE will shut
down everything that is added. Euphoria source program and .exe
are included.
| |
Web Server |
98K | Peter Blue |
Nov 21/02 |
3.00 |
Web server software written in Euphoria. Run
exw webserv1.exw, then point your browser at
He even supports a form of CGI. For details, visit
his site.
| |
XML Parser |
30K | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) |
Nov 4/02 |
3.00 |
EEBAX - Euphoria Event Based API for XML. An event-based XML parser
used by his Marvin Jabber Client. It can be used to create XML.
Nov 4: A bug that affected XML files with CDATA tags was corrected
| |
CGI Search Engine |
89K | Guillermo Bonvehi |
Mar 24/02 |
3.00 |
A simple search engine that he developed as a CGI program for a
Web site.
| |
Asynchronous HTTP |
17K | PatRat |
Jun 6/01 |
3.00 |
An include file for asynchronous transfer of HTTP documents. Your
program can do other things while a document downloads. You can
also download multiple documents at the same time.
| |
CGI Support Libraries |
20K | Greg Haberek |
Aug 20/05 |
2.50 |
Two excellent CGI support libraries that were once lost from the
Archive due to dead links. Greg had these buried on his computer
and re-uploaded them. Authors: Buddy Hyllberg, B. Jackson Aug 20: Added
| |
Spider |
8K | Daniel Kluss |
Mar 1/04 |
2.50 |
A Web "spider". It browses web sites and downloads them, for possible
use in a search engine. Mar 1: whole.e is now included
| |
Popup Gorilla |
484K | Greg Haberek |
Feb 3/04 |
2.00 |
A tool that kills those annoying pop-up ads that you get while browsing
the Web. Feb 3: Now uses NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install
| |
Internet Server |
220K | Hawke' |
Dec 26/98 |
1.50 |
software that lets you set up
an Internet server, written in Euphoria, on your machine.
Note: you must use pkunzip -d, or WinZip.
file restored Jan 17/02, thanks to PatRat
| |
EuNet |
60K | Michael J. Sabal |
Jul 8/08 |
1.40 |
EuNet is a cross-platform sockets library using native OS API calls.
Using a single library, you can write client or server applications
that run on both Windows and Linux without modification. Jul 8: Fixes
to SMTP client.
| |
HTML Programming Library |
236K | back_analys |
Jan 20/07 |
1.20 |
An HTML Programming Library for easy formatting of Web pages generated
by your programs. This version includes all HTML 4.0 tags (he
thinks). For questions mail to: back_analys at gmail.ru. Jan 20: 20.01.07
- v0.2.2 - changed open_header() procedure, added support for
set cookies, etc.
| |
Easy Web Server |
27K | Louis Bryant |
Dec 5/06 |
1.20 |
This program allows you to host your own Web Site on your own computer.
It allows multiple connections, CGI apps, and is open-source.
Simply double-click to run, and host and/or customize away! Dec 5: New
in this version is the ability to have your CGI programs receive
one file at a time of any file type of any size.
| |
Socket Library |
3K | J. Brown |
Jun 17/03 |
1.00 |
A small library for using BSD sockets (sync and async) in Linux.
It should also work in FreeBSD, although that has not been tested.
| |
Web Browser |
181K | Andrew |
Mar 22/02 |
1.00 |
A simple Web browser using Win32Lib.
He's looking for people to help out with it.
| |
Telnet Protocol |
30K | Michael Raley |
Oct 5/00 |
1.00 |
Telnet.exw is a demo program based on winsock.ew,
which reads & responds to various TELNET commands sent by a host
server. A listing of all the TELNET commands plus an RFC document
are included. You'll need win32lib.ew.
| |
pFTP |
156K | Pete Lomax |
Nov 17/06 |
0.80 |
An open source Windows GUI FTP client. pFTP is self hosted, i.e.
he used pFTP to upload pFTP to his web page.
| |
EU Web click/Download Counter |
46K | Pete Stoner |
Nov 3/06 |
0.80 |
He wanted a click/download counter for a Web site. All the free
ones he found used Perl/PHP etc. and he didn't want to install
those on the server, so he wrote this basic one in Euphoria.
| |
Web Page Construction Tool |
183K | Trevor Dixon |
May 4/01 |
0.25 |
An impressive tool for making Web pages, programmed
by a 12-year-old for a school project.
| |
LDAP Search |
34K | Jean-Marc DURO |
May 31/17 |
Simple LDAP search functions in pure Euphoria (no DLL needed)
| |
REST API functions |
3K | Jean-Marc DURO |
May 20/17 |
Two functions to parse or build REST API queries according to a
| |
libcurl |
634K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Nov 10/16 |
A libcurl 7.50 wrapper which can deal with HTTPS, certificates,
cookies. Version for Eu3. Should not be difficult to adapt to
Eu4. -- Now with documentation and an example of an HTTPS connection
with authentication with a CRSF token
| |
Internet Library |
511K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Aug 8/16 |
Tone Škoda's Internet Library
| |
Windows Telnet Client |
401K | Jean-Marc DURO |
May 15/16 |
Euphoria 3.1 version of his Telnet Client with minimal VT100 emulation.
Bug corrections.
| |
Telnet Client |
1159K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Nov 12/15 |
Third version of his Telnet library. Allows multiple connections.
Now based on Overbyte's ICS pascal library ported to OpenEuphoria
instead of Ararat Synapse pascal library. Telnet library is generic.
Interactive terminal is Windows only and does minimal VT emulation.
User manual provided. Tested on Windows Seven with AIO package.
| |
Snoop |
257K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Mar 14/15 |
A small library to send and receive raw Ethernet frames (or to sniff
traffic). Uses WinPcap 4.1.3 and a 32 bits Freepascal DLL (source
and binary provided). Demo included. Update: GUI version with
protection to avoid entering a wrong device name and crash.
| |
libzmq |
733K | kapex01 |
Nov 5/13 |
Cross platform wrapper with examples for ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ is a socket
library that acts as a distributed concurrency framework, with
multi-language interoperability. Carries messages across
inproc, IPC, TCP, and multicast. Nov 5: Update dlls. Add poke8
(for Euphoria 4.0)
| |
XML to Sequence |
54K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Aug 31/13 |
An XML parser that converts any XML file into a Euphoria sequence.
Straightforward: much simpler to use as eebax but can't manage
huge files as eebax does. Uses OpenEuphoria standard fetch function.
Demo included. For Euphoria 3 and up.
| |
wkhtml |
1090K | kapex01 |
Jul 13/13 |
Cross-platform library wrapper with examples for wkhtmltopdf to
allow generation of pdf files and multi page pdf books from HTML
pages (remote urls and local files). Supports javascript in HTML
pages and provides live links for generated pdf files.
| |
HTML Parser |
35K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Sep 30/12 |
Helps extract data of an HTML file. Designed to compute Google Search
or equivalent results. For Euphoria 4 and up.
| |
FTP Server |
10K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Sep 24/12 |
Linux FTP Server, to be run as root. Works in active or passive
mode. Can be very verbose. Check constant DEVICE before first
run (eth0 by default). For Euphoria 4 and up.
| |
FTP Library |
5K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Sep 10/12 |
An FTP library based on Michael J Sabal's work. Demo included. For
Euphoria 4 and up.
| |
mongoose |
1350K | ras |
May 30/12 |
Cross platform embedded web server (requires Euphoria 4.1 with memstruct).
Provides SSL, CGI, SSI, URL rewriting, access control lists. User
defined route handling and Euphoria preprocessor HTML templates
via shared library plugins.(also supports other language plugins
via 'C' compatible interface)
| |
HTML Maker |
13K | Ryan Mann |
Feb 13/10 |
HTML Maker is a program that allows a user to make simple HTML pages
without knowing HTML. HTML Maker is meant to be ran from a text
console or terminal session such as telnet or SSH. Currently,
it asks the user for the title for their HTML page. Then, it allows
the user to type the body of their HTML page. In the future, HTML
Maker will have the ability to read in a text file and convert
it to HTML.
| |
FTP stub |
9K | Michael J. Sabal |
Aug 20/09 |
There are currently some requests for an FTP client library. He
doesn't have one yet, but he has some routines that he used in
a project that took advantage of eunet.e for FTP client access.
This is a raw copy/paste, so there may be elements from the project
still embedded in the file. This cannot be used as is, but should
provide a strong starting point for those wishing to implement
an FTP library of their own.
| |
define words |
973K | jacques deschęnes |
Oct 31/08 |
This program fills the words.edb database with definitions (see
English dictionary user contribution). It uses wget to download
from web the dictionary and parses the HTML for the definitions.
See readme.txt for details. - modified to avoid repeated search
for words not on the Merriam-Webster site.
| |
Ming (swf output) wrapper (alpha04) |
414K | Gary Shingles |
Jul 24/08 |
Development snapshot of his efforts to wrap the ming.dll (Shockwave
Flash) output library. Worth a look if you are interested in SWF
development and/or helping to improve this effort. It is not ready
for general use, but it can do some nifty stuff. DLL and source
included. Jul 24: No change, transfer from external site
| |
Quick IMG tag generator |
3K | Marco Achury |
May 12/08 |
Generate a simple HTML file with IMG tags for all image files in
the current directory. Useful as base to quickly generate photo
albums, catalogs, etc. May 12: Now can manage files with many
different extensions at the same time, and optionally can run
as cgi-bin.
| |
HTTP Fetcher |
20K | Mark Brown |
Mar 7/08 |
HTTP Fetcher is a small library by Lyle Hanson that downloads files
via HTTP. "HTTP Fetcher is designed to let you retrieve files
via HTTP GETs quickly and easily without having to reinvent the
| |
HTML Parser |
77K | Tone Skoda |
Mar 4/08 |
An event-based parser for HTML pages. You can parse many separate
pages at the same time, and interleave parsing with other processing.
Mar 4: Uploaded to RDS site
| |
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) |
161K | Doug Weinert |
Dec 15/07 |
An example of using SNMP to read information from a network device.
Requires Win32Lib.
| |
Sushi stomper |
4K | ChrisBurch3 |
Oct 21/07 |
Similar to BlockHosts and denyhosts, this program will deny ssh
brute force attempts to your linux computer. Run as a cron job
(30 minute intervals). Bind it and install it, and the get_tail
script, into /usr/bin. Feedback on this one appreciated. A lot
simpler to write than the python version! Readme in the source.
Make sure ssh_get_tail is executable.
| |
CSS Generator |
222K | Fred Mangan |
Mar 16/07 |
An "Editor" to help quickly generate a basic CSS style sheet. Source
code included so you can adjust to your requirements. Easy to
| |
SNTP time library |
50K | Brett Pantalone |
May 9/06 |
Euphoria libraries for building a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
client. Includes routines for getting time from a server, reading
and setting the Windows system clock, plus other useful time and
date functions.
| |
console ip subnet calculator |
52K | alban read |
Mar 5/06 |
Displays details about an ip subnet such as the broadcast address
and the number of hosts available.
| |
GetAdaptersAddresses wrapper |
6K | Pete Stoner |
Mar 4/06 |
A wrapper for Windows (XP or later) GetAdaptersAddresses function.
It returns a sequence containing adapter name, 'Friendly' name
(name shown in Network connections folder), description, MAC address
etc, for each adapter found in the system. See also Brian Brokers
GetAdaptersInfo wrapper Mar 4: rewritten to remove dependencies
on external libraries (special thanks to Jacques Deschęnes for
showing how to do this)
| |
Trace route |
1K | alban read |
Feb 18/06 |
A minimal trace route example in Euphoria. Trace to any IP address
using the Microsoft ICMP.DLL.
| |
rssget |
368K | Juergen Luethje |
Feb 6/06 |
Download RSS feeds and convert them to e-mails. Porting the program
to Linux should be easy (see file "platform.txt" in the ZIP archive).
| |
EuSP (beta) |
557K | Alex Chamberlain |
Dec 19/05 |
A Euphoria/HTML preprocessor for server-side use. Source Available
on request. Linux and Windows Bound Executables are included free.
| |
Sockets library |
16K | Brett Pantalone |
Aug 14/05 |
Euphoria wrapper for Winsock 2 function library. Includes functions
to display winsock error codes as English text descriptions. A
"chat" demo is provided. The library uses ws2_32.dll, and the
demo requires Win32Lib.ew.
| |
euXML 2.5 |
26K | Rene Conijn |
Aug 9/05 |
euXML is a library to work with XML in Euphoria. Work with easy
functions and use an xPath-like language to go to a tag in your
XML document. Aug 9: fixed bugs in solve_xPath and in setXML.
| |
CGI Calendar |
59K | H.W. Overman |
Jun 18/05 |
A CGI program that displays a calendar.
| |
Magic Packet Utility |
4K | Andrew Hall |
May 31/05 |
This utility provides the ability to wake up a remote computer that
is in a low-power state (standby, hibernate, powered-down, etc.).
A "magic packet," which contains the remote computer's MAC address,
is sent to wake the sleeping computer. This technology is known
as Wake-on-LAN (WoL). Requires Bernie Ryan's w32engin.ew and uses
Microsoft's ws2_32.dll (Windows Sockets 2). May 31: Version
1.02. Error code fix and minor improvements.
| |
EuExpat for Linux ver. 0.1.2 |
13K | Damien "damo" Hodgkin |
May 27/05 |
For parsing XML files. It's far from complete. Check it out and
let him know what you think. This version uses libexpat.so in
/usr/lib, but can be easily changed to use a different location.
This version is early beta. May 27: Removed non-working functions.
Code clean ups.
| |
SOCKS Firewall Communication |
40K | Mario Steele |
May 9/05 |
This library is a Layer Library to help programmers make internet
connections to servers, through SOCKS capable firewalls. It supports
SOCKS4/SOCKS5 protocols, and isn't fully tested.
| |
Eu Wiki |
22K | Ryan Johnson |
Feb 7/05 |
A CGI program written in Euphoria that provides a WikiWikiWeb
- a website where anyone can edit the pages, and links between
pages are automatically created. EuWiki makes it very easy to
create a dynamic website, especially for documenting programming
projects. Feb 7: bug fixes and enhancements
| |
EuDial |
30K | Wolfgang Fritz |
Nov 13/04 |
Five example programs that initiate Dial Up Networking to connect
to your ISP, and four simpler Dialog Box demos. Nov 13: EuDial'r
'fix' handles Japanese (cp932) error messages.
| |
Internet Library |
500K | Tone Škoda |
Oct 21/04 |
Wrappers for wininet.dll, to manipulate Internet files and sites.
He made functions which are simple to use.
| |
Jungle Monkey |
8K | William Heimbigner |
Aug 24/04 |
Based on 'Spider' by Daniel Kluss, Jungle Monkey swings its way
around the web for you, while avoiding the branches you don't
| |
Port Forwarder |
398K | Mario Steele |
Jul 14/04 |
A full fledged Port Forwarding program. Easy to use, it's primary
function is to listen for ports assigned by the user on the host
machine, and forward them to either a computer on the local network,
or on the internet. Includes all necessary libraries to run.
| |
ABCmyFavs |
4K | William Heimbigner |
Jun 26/04 |
Quickly and efficiently alphabetizes your favorites in Internet
Explorer. Only tested on Windows 98SE and XP. WARNING: This will
change your registry.
| |
Remote Desktop System |
371K | Mario Steele |
Mar 26/04 |
This is the beginnings of a Remote Desktop system, developed on
the basis of operation behind a Router. Developed with Win32lib,
Win32dib, String Tokenizing v2.1, ZLib, and TCP.ew
| |
Simple SMTP Library |
5K | Peter Blue |
Jan 17/04 |
A simple, standalone SMTP library for automated mailing lists. Uses
J. Brown's socket library (Included). Just 2 settings: SMTP-host
and your email address. Test program supplied.
| |
Grabber |
269K | MrTrick |
Nov 1/03 |
Grabber, an HTTP/Local batch file transfer and renaming utility.
In english, if you have a series of files to download with sequential
names, this is the app for you! It can rename the files as you
download them, and split into directories.
| |
HTMLib |
6K | Nahuel Carballo |
Oct 4/03 |
A library for saving html pages in Euphoria. Oct 4: Fixed a lot
of bugs
| |
Stock Ticker |
200K | Tom Janes |
Apr 2/03 |
A Euphoria program that displays up-to-the-minute stock market indexes.
(no source) Apr 2: more advanced, and lets you include your
own Stock Portfolio.
| |
TCP Demos |
21K | Robert Szalay |
Mar 31/03 |
Demos for using tcp.ew v2.42 or later by Jason Mirwald. Requires
| |
HTML builder |
2K | Tapani Talvitie |
Mar 10/03 |
A program that helps with updating your website
when PHP isn't supported by your service provider.
| |
CGI parser |
19K | Gregg Somes |
Sep 6/02 |
A tool that he uses to process HTML forms. He has a Windows
system with Apache Web server and Outlook Express. Sep 6: minor improvements
| |
Base64 and Quoted Printable |
3K | Pete Lomax |
Jul 3/02 |
Routines for encoding/decoding Base64 and Quoted Printable.
These formats are often used in e-mail messages.
| |
Meta-tag Generator |
3K | Robert Szalay |
Jun 12/02 |
A simple meta-tag builder. Use it to build meta-tags
for your site for search engine indexing. Jun 12: bug fix
| |
Ping and Trace-Route |
3K | Alexander Karpeev |
Apr 17/02 |
An add-on library for EuTcp4u. It has two functions: ping and
trace-route. He has also included two examples of how to use this library.
| |
WinMXnap |
4K | Chris Bensler |
Dec 2/01 |
a utility for the winMX file sharing program.
It downloads a list of OPENNAP protocol servers,
from Napigator.com, and generates a data file that winMX can use.
The author claims this is 100x better than similar programs.
| |
AmpTicker |
742K | Cassidy Napoli |
Oct 30/01 |
A program that gets the currently playing song from Winamp
and creates bitmaps and/or gifs out of it.
| |
Cutrex Server |
223K | Luis Campos |
Oct 11/01 |
A Client/Server Chat program based on euLibnet by Ray Smith.
| |
Marvin Jabber Client |
591K | PatRat |
Aug 19/01 |
A client for the
Jabber Instant Messaging network
written using Euphoria. Fully skinable using an XML skin format.
Check out the
Download page, and the
CVS source code page
| |
Send E-Mail Messages |
8K | Michael Raley |
Aug 19/01 |
An include file that allows programs to
route messages and files via e-mail. An enhanced version of the
e-mail demo in euphoria\demo\win32. Aug 19:
Send to multiple recipients and have multiple
attachments per message. A separate version of the library
was added to support GroupWise. Some bug fixes.
| |
Psion E-mail Handler |
5K | David Aldred |
Jun 2/01 |
A program that scans a directory for
appropriately formatted text files and passes them by MAPI to the
installed email software. It also recognises files in
Psion Series 3a/c/mx handheld computer Word format.
| |
Chat Server and Client |
21K | Andrew |
May 7/01 |
A chat server and chat client.
It requires win32lib and euLibnet.
It will let you chat and send popup messages and files.
May 7: File sending works for all types of files, you can change your
nickname, bug fixes.
| |
Chat Server & Client |
331K | Norm Walcott |
May 2/01 |
Norm developed this Enhanced GUI version of a
chat program originally written by Andrew
| |
Wrapper for ICMP |
17K | Fabio Ramirez |
Apr 16/01 |
A library that lets you ping
another computer to see if it's up.
| |
EuFTP4w FTP Library |
62K | Ray Smith |
Jan 25/01 |
A wrapper for Ftp4w. It allows logging in to an FTP server, getting
directory details, uploading and downloading files, creating/deleting
directories etc.
| |
Web Site Generator |
28K | David Cuny |
Sep 15/00 |
A tool that David built to generate his Web site.
| |
HTML Table Maker |
1K | Aidan Bindoff |
May 20/00 |
A tool that helps you to make a table in HTML.
| |
Convert Text Files to Web pages |
32K | DB James |
Nov 24/99 |
A utility that will convert a text file into a
series of linked Web pages.
| |
Sample Code for CGI Programming |
5K | Irv Mullins |
Sep 28/99 |
Some useful Euphoria CGI code that Irv used on his
server machine.
| |