Euphoria Programming Language

version 3.1

Reference Manual


(c) 2007 Rapid Deployment Software


Permission is freely granted to anyone
to copy this manual.



Part I - Core Language
1. Introduction
1.1 Example Program
1.2 Installation
1.3 Running a Program
1.3.1 Running under Windows
1.3.2 Use of a Swap File
1.4 Editing a Program
1.5 Distributing a Program
1.5.1 Licensing

2. Language Definition
2.1 Objects
2.1.1 Atoms and Sequences
2.1.2 Character Strings and Individual Characters
2.2 Expressions
2.2.1 Relational Operators
2.2.2 Logical Operators
2.2.3 Arithmetic Operators
2.2.4 Operations on Sequences
2.2.5 Subscripting of Sequences
2.2.6 Slicing of Sequences
2.2.7 Concatenation of Sequences and Atoms - The & Operator
2.2.8 Sequence-Formation
2.2.9 Other Operations on Sequences
2.2.10 Precedence Chart
2.3 Euphoria versus Conventional Languages
2.4 Declarations
2.4.1 Identifiers
2.4.2 Scope
2.4.3 Specifying the Type of a Variable
2.5 Statements
2.5.1 assignment statement
2.5.2 procedure call
2.5.3 if statement
2.5.4 while statement
2.5.5 for statement
2.5.6 return statement
2.5.7 exit statement
2.6 Special Top-Level Statements
2.6.1 include
2.6.2 with / without

3. Debugging and Profiling
3.1 Debugging
3.1.1 The Trace Screen
3.1.2 The Trace File
3.2 Profiling
3.2.1 Some Further Notes on Time Profiling


Part II - Library Routines
1. Introduction

2. Routines by Application Area
2.1 Predefined Types
2.2 Sequence Manipulation
2.3 Searching and Sorting
2.4 Pattern Matching
2.5 Math
2.6 Bitwise Logical Operations
2.7 File and Device I/O
2.8 Mouse Support (DOS32)
2.9 Operating System
2.10 Special Machine-Dependent Routines
2.11 Debugging
2.12 Graphics & Sound
2.13 Machine Level Interface
2.14 Dynamic Calls
2.15 Calling C Functions
2.16 Multitasking

3. Alphabetical Listing of all Routines
From A to B
From C to D
From E to G
From H to O
From P to R
From S to T
From U to Z


... continue Part I - Core Language